eXistenZ was AWESOME. This movie has such a great storyline. It was disturbing, uncomfortable and mind tricking. Movies like that are crazy imaginative.
I had recently seen Oculus which had just the same idea as in leaving you wondering what the hell just happened. Where the main character doesn't really know if the ending is real life or if they are still trapped in a delusion.
This movie is like Stay Alive. It's a movie about a group of teenagers playing a video game about Elizabeth Bathory. It's a video game where what ever happens in the video game happens in real life. The way the teens die in the video game they get murdered the same way in real life. The only way to stop it they have to find the dead body of Bathory. They eventually find the body in a tower where they have to drive three nails into her body. One in her heart, one in her throat, and one in her head.
Stay Alive is an awesome movie but it is more in the Horror Genre. eXistenZ is more in the SciFi genre. eXistenZ and Stay Alive are completely different but one in the same. eXistenZ was a virtual reality game that what you were thinking happened in the game. In the virtual world everyone was after Allegra. In Stay Alive the ghost of Bathory is after the teenagers. The teenagers are actually playing the game with a playstation console and then the coincidence of it happening in real life. It wasn't a virtual reality like eXistenZ.
I love the concept of it being a virtual world video game. My freshmen year we had to write a paper of an invention we would create. Mine was a virtual world helmet that trained you to know what to do in case of crime. If someone was trying to hurt you, murder you , rape you, or even rob you, you would know exactly what to do to prevent it. It would definitely save a lot of problems from happening.
The ending of this movie was completely unpredictable and I think that's what made the movie.
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