
Thursday, April 10, 2014


This was an interesting read. When I started reading it, I was a little confused an lost until the story described T'Gatoi. The author did a good job describing the scenes and the aliens. It was very visual for me. 

Growing up in a family with an alien is an interesting approach. I could not imagine being implanted with grub worms to reproduce for an alien. I sure as hell would not want to be ripped open then fed eggs to heal. The family seemed kind of like a human farm for T'Gatoi. She would plant when she needed to to create more of her species. 

Reading this short story reminded me a lot of Goosebumps. Odd, weird, short stories of strange happenings. It is definitely a plot that R.L. Stine would write. A family that grew up with an alien, describing there everyday of waiting to be stung, fed eggs, and to be implanted with flesh eating grub worm babies. Taking the weird and making it seem normal.

This story also reminded me of The Thing. The way the killing scenes are in The Thing sounded just like Bloodchild. Aliens would be in a host and it would be unnoticeable to other humans. The aliens would then emerge from the human and sometimes mold from human features.

This story symbolized a lot towards human birth except through males. The ripping open symbolizes a C-section. The sting symbolizes an epidural. When a woman bears a child she is pretty much being a host. 

Visualizing T'Gatoi, I thought a lot about the Human Centipede 2 image.



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