
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Futuristic Predictions

Five years from now it doesn’t really seem like anything major will change. Maybe our technology, like phones and computers. They said back in the 90’s that by 2000 we were going to have hovercrafts as our mobiles. We still do not have that.

In ten years, we might have come up with something drastic like cloning machines but I doubt it. They still don’t even have cures to sickness. Maybe they will solve that. Generations below me will definitely have gotten worse. Kids are more into technology at a younger age. Obesity will probably at a higher rate.

Someone was telling me one day that the earth is changing from more negative to a positive. That we are all going to witness a major change. So maybe everyone would be more happy and the world would become a better place.

In 20 years, the world will definitely be a different place. We will probably have hologram TVs and virtual realities. Teens these days are more provocative. I can’t imagine what it’s going to be in 20 years. Children are going to be having babies at 10 years old and it will be normal.

The styles will definitely change. I look back on the different hairstyles and the clothes I used to wear/have when I was younger. It’s a big change.

I hope in the future that I have my dream job. Hopefully something new comes out like realistic 3D movies to where you are in the movie are invented and I can be apart of that. My dream is to be a 3D modeler. I hope to create amazing models just like in the new movie Godzilla that’s coming out. I hope to have my dream home. Maybe then houses will be built floating on the clouds. I hope to be married with an amazing husband and three kids.

In 50 years, I don’t really think I’ll know what that is. I don’t see myself getting old so I don’t believe I will be alive at 71 years old. I’m sure that the earth would be shifted by then if not blown up. Sea level is rising, toxins are released in the oceans, and global warming is killing off life.

Hopefully in the matter of 5 years, the earth will shift in a 90 degree positive direction.

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