
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Two in the Same?

The Hobbit was tough to read but I liked it. When I was reading I could visualize the scenery and the creatures. It actually made me want to illustrate it. I have never seen the movie and I would actually like to compare what I was visualizing to what the developers of the movie created.

Before I read the book, I would always hear about how Harry Potter was just like The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings. After reading the book I can now see what people mean. Worlds of crazy creatures trying to obtain a certain accomplishment. The one thing that really reminded me of Harry Potter when I was reading the Hobbit was the part with the spiders. When they are traveling through the forest and Bilbo falls into the spider web waking up the spiders. 

I would have TOTALLY loved to produce this scene by modeling and animating the spiders! But anyways, Harry Potter also had a spider scene. It was a little more of a fantasy because there was a head spider that Harry conversed with about the Chamber of Secrets. Then the head spider calls the others to feed on Harry and his friends but the magic car saves them. Honestly I like the scene in the Hobbit more because it is more realistic.

It seems like the same kind of set up. Now I’m really am starting to wonder if Harry Potter was based off of the Hobbit. The Hobbit has spiders, a dragon, little dwarf like creatures, wizards, etc. Gandalf and Dumbledor look so much alike and they kind of play the same role. Dumbledor is a teacher and mentor while also giving Harry advice on defeating Voldemort. Gandalf was a mentor and helped with staying away from the demons. Another comparison would be Doby and Gollum. Doby was a house elf that was freed who helped Harry. Gollum was more after Bilbo because he wanted the ring that had enslaved him. Gollum and Doby more or so look alike to me.

Maybe J.K Rowling may or may not have copied J. R. R Tolkien. They just used the same mythical creatures. Either way they are both amazing storylines and did an awesome job.